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Paintings by A.V.Ilango

Dwaitham - l l 36x30

Ecstacy 36x30

In conversation 30x36

Krishna II 30x36

Krishna III 30x36

Layam I 36x36

Layam II 30x36

Layam III 30x36

Layam IV 30x36

Layam VI 30x36

Raas Leela - 1 36x48

Rasaleela I 30x36

Rasaleela II 30x36

Rasaleela III 30x36

Drummer II 36x48

Mattu Kotta II 60x48

Under the Spell - II 30x36

Ecstasy I 36x30

The Parai I 54x48

Au Tambour 2 30x24

Melam 48x36